How to apply negative keywords in Google Ads: A Step by Step Guide

How to apply negative keywords in Google Ads: A Step by Step Guide

Negative keywords are an important tool for optimizing your Google Ads campaigns. By excluding irrelevant search terms, you can save money and improve the relevance of your ads to your target audience. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you apply negative keywords in your Google Ads campaigns.

Step 1: Identify negative keyword opportunities Start by analyzing your search term report to identify irrelevant search terms that trigger your ads. Look for keywords that don’t relate to your products or services or that result in low-quality traffic.

Step 2: Add negative keywords at the campaign level To add negative keywords at the campaign level, follow these steps: a. Navigate to the “Campaigns” tab in your Google Ads account. b. Select the campaign you want to add negative keywords to. c. Click on the “Negative keywords” tab. d. Click the blue “+” button to create a new negative keyword. e. Enter the keyword you want to exclude and select “Add.”

Step 3: Add negative keywords at the ad group level To add negative keywords at the ad group level, follow these steps: a. Navigate to the “Ad groups” tab in your Google Ads account. b. Select the ad group you want to add negative keywords to. c. Click on the “Negative keywords” tab. d. Click the blue “+” button to create a new negative keyword. e. Enter the keyword you want to exclude and select “Add.”

Step 4: Use negative keyword lists You can create lists of negative keywords that you can apply to multiple campaigns or ad groups. To create a negative keyword list, follow these steps: a. Navigate to the “Tools & Settings” tab in your Google Ads account. b. Click on “Negative keyword lists.” c. Click the blue “+” button to create a new list. d. Enter a name for your list and add your negative keywords. e. Click “Save.”

Step 5: Apply negative keyword lists To apply a negative keyword list to a campaign or ad group, follow these steps: a. Navigate to the “Campaigns” or “Ad groups” tab in your Google Ads account. b. Select the campaign or ad group you want to apply the negative keyword list to. c. Click on the “Negative keywords” tab. d. Click the “Use negative keyword list” button and select the list you want to apply.

By using negative keywords, you can prevent your ads from appearing for irrelevant search terms, which can save you money and improve the relevance of your ads to your target audience. Regularly reviewing and updating your negative keyword lists can help you optimize your campaigns and achieve better results.

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