How to use Google Ads’ ad scheduling feature: A Step by Step Guide

How to use Google Ads’ ad scheduling feature: A Step by Step Guide

Ad scheduling in Google Ads allows you to control when your ads are shown, helping you reach your target audience during the most relevant times and optimize your ad spend. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use Google Ads’ ad scheduling feature:

  1. Sign in to your Google Ads account: Log in to your account at and navigate to the campaign where you want to apply ad scheduling.
  2. Access the campaign settings: From the left-hand menu, click on “Settings” and then select the specific campaign you want to edit.
  3. Enable ad scheduling: Under the “Additional settings” section, click on “Ad schedule.” By default, your ads will run all days and hours. To create a custom ad schedule, click on the blue pencil icon.
  4. Create your ad schedule: In the “Create custom ad schedule” window, you can choose specific days and hours for your ads to run:

    a. Click on “Add” to create a new time block. b. Select the desired days of the week for your ads to run. c. Specify the start and end times for your ads to show during the selected days.

You can create multiple time blocks to cover different days and hours as needed.

  1. Save your changes: Click on “Save” to apply the ad scheduling settings to your selected campaign.
  2. Monitor and adjust your ad schedule: Regularly review the performance of your campaigns based on your ad schedule. Analyze key metrics such as clicks, impressions, and conversions during different days and hours. Adjust your ad schedule based on the data to optimize your campaign performance.
  3. Use bid adjustments with ad scheduling (optional): If you want to increase or decrease your bids during specific days or hours, you can apply bid adjustments to your ad schedule:

    a. In the “Ad schedule” tab, click on the pencil icon next to the time block you want to edit. b. Enter a bid adjustment as a percentage (positive or negative) in the “Bid adj.” column. For example, if you want to increase your bids by 20% during peak hours, enter “+20%”. c. Click “Save” to apply the bid adjustment.

By using Google Ads’ ad scheduling feature, you can ensure that your ads are shown during the most relevant times for your target audience, helping you optimize your campaigns and make the most of your advertising budget.

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