How To Create An Audience Of People Who Viewed One Of Your Videos On Facebook/Instagram/Meta For Retargeting

How To Create An Audience Of People Who Viewed One Of Your Videos On Facebook/Instagram/Meta For Retargeting


  1. Log in to your Facebook Ads Manager account.
  2. Click on the “Audiences” tab on the left-hand side of the screen.
  3. Click on the blue “Create Audience” button and select “Custom Audience” from the dropdown menu.
  4. Select “Engagement” as the source of your audience.
  5. Select “Video” as the type of engagement.
  6. Choose the specific engagement type you want to target, such as people who have viewed your video for a certain length of time or people who have watched your video to completion.
  7. Choose the time frame for your audience based on how far back you want to track interactions with your video.
  8. Select the video you want to create your audience from. You can choose a video from your Facebook Page, Instagram account, or even a video you’ve promoted through ads.
  9. Give your audience a name and description for future reference.
  10. Click the “Create Audience” button to create your custom audience.
  11. When setting up your ad campaign, select your custom audience under the “Audience” section of the ad set.
  12. Choose your ad placement, budget, and bidding strategy as usual.
  13. Create your ad creative and copy, making sure to tailor it to the audience you are targeting.
  14. Launch your ad campaign and monitor its performance.


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