How To Create A Custom Audience With A Custom List For Your Facebook/Meta/Instagram Adverts (How To Upload A List Of Emails/Phone Numbers To Target)

How To Create A Custom Audience With A Custom List For Your Facebook/Meta/Instagram Adverts (How To Upload A List Of Emails/Phone Numbers To Target)


Step 1: Go to Facebook Ads Manager

Step 2: Create a Custom Audience

  • Click on the “Create Audience” button and select “Custom Audience”.
  • Choose “Customer List” as the source for your audience.
  • Upload your list of emails, phone numbers, or both. You can upload a .CSV or .TXT file with a maximum of 30,000 entries.
  • Name your audience and click on “Next”.

Step 3: Match Your Data

  • Choose the type of data that you uploaded (such as emails or phone numbers).
  • Choose the matching option that you want to use (such as exact match or broad match).
  • Click on “Upload & Create” to create your custom audience.

Step 4: Set up Your Ad Campaign

  • Click on “Create” under the “Campaigns” tab.
  • Select the objective for your campaign (such as “Traffic”, “Conversions”, or “Engagement”).
  • Choose the ad format that you want to use (such as image, video, or carousel).
  • Select the custom audience that you created in step 2.

Step 5: Create Your Ad

  • Choose the Facebook/Meta/Instagram page that you want to use for your ad.
  • Add your ad creative (such as an image or video) and include any relevant text.
  • Set your ad budget and bidding strategy.
  • Review your ad settings and click on “Publish” to launch your campaign.


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