SEO Audit: Identify Issues and Optimize Your Website for Better Performance
An SEO Audit is much more than a checklist or a list of to-do items churned out by some automated tool.
Our extensive SEO Audits cover:
Technical SEO (e.g. crawl-ability, site structure, etc.)
Content (e.g. missing meta titles, duplicate meta descriptions, duplicate content, etc.)
Site Authority (e.g. inbound link opportunities, spammy links which negatively affect SEO, etc.)
More importantly, we outline a list of prioritized actions or “fixes” based on your specific technical constraints and business requirements which forms the basis of a detailed SEO roadmap for 3 / 6 / 12 months.
We’ve had clients come to us for a second opinion on “SEO Audits” that have simply been an automated output of actions by a generic site crawling tool without taking into account the context of the website or business being audited. Blindly following these checklists can be a costly mistake – the reality is that SEO cannot be automated. “Fixing” one SEO issue identified by these automated audits may create a new one or may conflict with another more important business or technical requirement.
In short, CONTEXT IS EVERYTHING.We take the time to apply context to SEO audit findings and work with your content, development and hosting teams to improve SEO performance without compromising other business goals.
Who are our SEO Audits for?
We offer tailored SEO audits for startups and organizations at all stages of their journey. The focus of an audit for a startup launching a new mobile application will be slightly different than that of an early stage SAAS organization in a highly competitive market and different again from an e-commerce store selling niche fitness products. All will be equally detailed and we will provide the same deliverables at the end of the process – but the process will be tweaked for maximum value depending on your specific business life cycle stage and environment
The primary deliverables of our SEO Audit will be:
- A detailed SEO Audit Report outlining key findings and priority recommendations to form the basis of an ongoing SEO Roadmap.
- A detailed month by month SEO Roadmap tailored to your specific organization and objectives.
We will also provide supporting documents including:
- Keyword Mapping document which includes recommended content optimizations and new content recommendations based on in-depth keyword research
- SEO Audit Google Sheets document which contains the detailed underlying data for each of the 22-28 checkpoints in our SEO Audit
- Link Profile Audit document containing an in depth review of your websites authority versus that of your main competitors with recommendations to ensure that you site can become a leading source of trustworthy content for your audience

Why Choose Velocity Growth For Your SEO Audit?
By partnering with us for your SEO Audit needs, you can expect:
- You will get a much better understanding of how SEO works and what elements specifically are most important for your own website.
- You’ll get a comprehensive report with thorough insights into what is and what isn’t working on your website from an SEO perspective from a technical, content and authority perspective.
- You will also get a detailed roadmap for SEO success tailored specifically to your organization’s own goals, internal resources and budget.
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